Koschei The Deathless: 30
Captain Bitcheyes: 30
The Bounty Hunter Buck Lawless: 35
Serengeti Betty: 20
W.D. Forte': 15
Somebody's Dad: 35
Kurt Murphy: 45
Buck Trundle: 50
Mick "Truck" Drivor: 35
Weirdbeard: 30
La Puta Negra: 50
Carl Stonewall: 50
Bronson Thunderhammer: 25
The Wrestler Who Accumulates the most points during the season will be declared winner, and Wrestler Of The Year. This wrestler will take on the World Heavyweight Champion at the final show of the season. In the case of a tie...well...I'll figure something out...heh...heh...heh...
Good Luck!